- Enrolment deadline - deadline September, 23th, 2024 – 1 pm (Italy Time)
- How to enroll
- Eligible supernumerary candidates
- Joint Attendance of the PhD Programme and of the Medical Residency schools
- Badge release
- Tuition fees and grants
- Ranking lists of successful and eligible candidates
- First assignment- deadline September, 27th 2024 – 1.00 pm (Italian Time)
- Second assignment- deadline October, 3th 2024– 1.00 pm (Italian Time)
- Third assignment- deadline October, 10th 2024– 1.00 pm (Italian Time)
- Fourth assignment- deadline October, 16rd 2024– 1.00 pm (Italian Time)
- Fifth assignment- deadline October, 21th 2024– 1.00 pm (Italian Time)
- Sixth assignment- deadline October, 25rd 2024– 1.00 pm (Italian Time)
- Seventh assignment- deadline October, 31th 2024– 1.00 pm (Italian Time)
- Information about assistance with visas, the residency permit, health insurance coverage
- Documents
Enrolment deadline
Successful candidates, with grant, are required to register on Alice web portal (https://www.studenti.unipi.it) within 1 pm (Italy time) on September, 23th, 2024 or the admission to the PhD Programme and the eventual grant will decline.
Even successful candidates who have not yet obtained the required academic qualification (article 3 of the call) shall enrol by September, 23th 2024, h 1.00 p.m. (Italian Time). Their admission to the PhD Programme is conditional upon the awarding of the required academic qualification.
Enrolled successful candidates (including eligible supernumerary candidates) are admitted under condition pending their call requirements assessment, with particular reference to the declared university qualification.
Pursuant to article 5 of the call for applications, candidates interested in participating in the scroll procedures, in case of no-enrolment or give-up by a winner, must confirm explicitly their interest in the scroll procedures by September, 23th 2024 by following the following steps:
• connect to Alice web portal (www.studenti.unipi.it) with the same credentials already used when registering for the competition
• select "Secretariat" and "Competition registration" from the menu on the right
• click on the link of the competition for which you are registered and for which you wish to confirm your interest
• access the Questionnaire by clicking on "Actions"
• select “YES” and then confirm.
Failure to declare interest according to the aforementioned methods, or the declaration of absence of interest, will be considered as withdrawn and therefore the candidate will be excluded from the competition.
Therefore, in the event of renunciation or no-enrolment of a winner, or of the first eligible called following a rollover, the next one in the order of the ranking who has expressed interest in the scroll procedure as aforementioned indicated.
Posting date | Deadline for enrolment | |
I round of placement assignment | 25 September 2024 |
by h 1.00, 27 September 2024 |
II round of placement assignment | 1 October 2024 |
by h 1.00, 3 October 2024 |
III round of placement assignment | 7 October 2024 | by h 1.00, 10 October 2024 |
IV round of placement assignment | 14 October 2024 |
by h 1.00, 16 October 2024 |
V round of placement assignment | 18 October 2024 |
by h 1.00, 21 October 2024 |
VI round of placement assignment | 23 October 2024 |
by h 1.00, 25 October 2024 |
VII round of placement assignment | 29 October 2024 |
by h 1.00, 31 October 2024 |
After October, 1st 2024, ranking scroll will be possible only upon justified request from PhD Faculty College and without any recovery, from the PhD student, of the already completed PhD activities by the date of enrollment. In this case, ranking scrolls will be sent to the email address given by candidates in the application for the PhD selection.
Giving up to a grant (including themed ones) will be considered as a lack of interest in the attribution of any other grant made available by scrolling.
How to enrol
Please note: before enrolment candidates are required to read carefully the call for admission at the link http://www.unipi.it/concorsodottorato and the practical guide at the end of the page.
Candidates for the enrolment procedure, please complete the following mandatory steps:
- connect to Alice web portal and register (www.studenti.unipi.it)
- select the PhD programme you have been admitted for
- follow the online procedure and enter the requested data (see the practical guide at the end of the page)
- upload the following documents:
- the enrolment form with all the requested documents (FORIMM/DOTT form) available at the end of the page
- the DICH/DOTT declaration (DICH/DOTT form) available at the end of the page
- [only in case of simultaneous registration] the declaration available at the bottom of the page (CONT/ISC form) Successful candidates who have not yet obtained the required academic qualification (October 31, 2024) must not be submit this declaration; also, candidates enrol at medical specialization course who want to request joint attendance must not be submit this declaration.
- at the end of the procedure PLEASE:
- click on "Print tuition fee" to pay the first installment of € 156.00 (regional tax and revenue stamp) by one of the payment ways of the PagoPA system:
- Pay online with PagoPA: the payment is acquired in a few minutes
- Stampa Avviso per PagoPA: deliver the pdf to one of the authorized facilities (a bank or at a Sisa and Lottomatica operator)
At https://www.unipi.it/index.php/tasse-e-diritto-allo-studio/item/15414-pagamento-tasse are indicated ways of payment and it is possible to download a guide with the steps to make the payment; - print the receipt of enrollment form.
- click on "Print tuition fee" to pay the first installment of € 156.00 (regional tax and revenue stamp) by one of the payment ways of the PagoPA system:
In case of foreign winners (not citizenz of an EU country), they shall register in the Universitaly portal (https://www.universitaly.it/) and by that request a VISA to Italian Embassy or Consulate in their country of origin. At the moment of enrollment, they shall be in possession of a residence permit suitable for University enrollment, or at least of the receipt certifying the submission of the request. A copy of the residence permit shall be sent to PhD. In case of documented reasons, the presentation of these documents will be possible within December, 31st 2024 without any recovery, from the PhD student, of the already completed PhD activities by the date of enrollment. In this case, foreign PhD candidates will be enrolled under condition until they send to PhD Unit the aforementioned documents, and they shall begin their PhD programme from the day after the VISA release and for three years so long. It will be possible to present the documents until maximum April, 30th 2025.
PhD winners with a foreign Master’s Degree shall present to PhD Unit the original certificate within November, 30th 2024, without prejudice to the timescales indicated in the previous paragraph.
After enrolment, only successful candidates awarded with a grant are also required to:
- choose on Alice web portal (www.studenti.unipi.it) the payment method for the grant (instructions at the end of the page)
- after November, 1st 2024, please register online in the "Gestione Separata INPS", by authentication on website https://www.inps.it/nuovoportaleinps/default.aspx?iiDServizio=2501. After authentication, a menu will be available with an indication to register in the Gestione Separata. You shall enter this section and fill in the form with the requested data. In the second section, you shall choose the voice "collaboratore o altra attività". After registration in the Gestione Separata, you shall download the registration receipt and print it. Information about registration in the Gestione Separata are available here: https://www.inps.it/it/it/dettaglio-scheda.schede-servizio-strumento.schede-servizi.iscrizione-dei-lavoratori-parasubordinati-alla-gestione-separata-50175.iscrizione-dei-lavoratori-parasubordinati-alla-gestione-separata.html. Warning: if you don't have already a PIN for INPS services or for SPID, follow these instructions: https://serviziweb2.inps.it/RichiestaPin/jsp/menu.jsp?bi=32&link=Il+PIN+online and also: https://www.inps.it/it/it/assistenza/ottenere-e-gestire-il-pin.html. Be careful to begin the registration in the Gestione Separata as soon as possible, as it takes time to obtain credentials for access.
- As soon as you registered in the Gestione Separata, and at last until November, 30th 2024, you shall send us a copy of the registration receipt, following the instructions below. If you are already registered in the Gestione Separata (for example, due to previous Co.Co.Co. jobs), you shall only login with your INPS PIN or SPID and download and print the Once registered on “Gestione Separata INPS”, in any case by November 30th 2024, a receipt of the registration on “Gestione Separata INPS” must be sent as follows:
- connect to Alice web portal (www.studenti.unipi.it) with the same credentials already used when registering for the competition
- select from the menu on the right "Secretariat" and "Attachments"
- upload the attachment (Ricevuta gestione separata INPS)
- click on "Next" to complete the procedure.
Please note
Enrolment procedures will not be immediately displayed as “completed” on the Alice web portal; therefore, the statement "In attesa di perf. immatricolazione " (Waiting for enrolment procedure completion) does not affect the enrolment procedure in any way. The enrolment procedure will be completed within the date of the following ranking scroll.
Eligible supernumerary candidates
Following a positive opinion of the PhD Council, aimed also at verifying the compatibility of the working activity with the scope of the PhD Programme, the candidates meeting the following criteria on November, 1st 2024 can be admitted in supernumerary, without grants:
- holders of a research grant subject to verification of compatibility with the research topic and the doctoral degree programme; or
- having an official relationship with one of the following entities affiliated with the University of Pisa:
- Centro di Supporto e di Sperimentazione Navale della Marina Militare (C.S.S.N.) (only for PhD degree programme in Information Engineering).
- IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris.
- Istituto Giannina Gaslini (only for PhD degree programme in Chemistry and Materials Science)
- NINE Nuclear and Industrial Engineering s.r.l. (only for PhD degree programme in in Industrial Engineering) Decreto rettorale n. 1882/2024 di rettifica denominazione azienda
Furthermore, admission is subject to the approval of the body they refer to. Said relationship must have a duration no lower than those of the PhD programme.
- to be government employees or under a public law regime.
In order to enrol as supernumerary, PhD candidates that already have the prescribed requirements by July, 31th 2024 shall open a ticket on Virtual Desk (https://sportellovirtuale.unipi.it/) and attach the SOVR form within September, 23th 2024. PhD candidates that assume to have the requirements prescribed by article 11 of PhD Regulation for supernumerary admission by November, 1st 2024 ("assegno" research grant, public and private employees, etc), shall submit the SOVR form within October, 15th 2024.
Who submitted a supernumerary admission request can enrol only after the favourable decision of PhD College of Faculty. The applicants will be informed of the decision by email sent to the email address provided at the moment of application to the PhD call. In case of favourable decision, the applicants will be given also information about application mode and deadlines. Enrollment is subject to verification of the continuation of the requirement on 1 November 2024.
In case of withdrawal or failure to enrol by a winner or a suitable candidate called to enrolment following to ranking list scrolling, the applicant for supernumerary admission will have the opportunity to enrol as ordinary PhD student with grant, in compliance with ranking order. In this case, the applicants shall respect the ranking scroll dates described in article 5 of the PhD call. PhD candidates already enrolled as supernumerary PhD students, or withdrawed or forfaited, cannot get part to ranking scroll procedures available after their supernumerary enrollment.
Joint Attendance of the PhD Programme and of the Medical Residency schools
The joint attendance of a medical specialization course and a PhD programme must comply with the conditions established by current legislation (art. 18 of the university regulation on research doctorates and art. 7 of the ministerial decree n.226/2021).
Upon enrollment, the successful PhD student must submit an explicit request by submitting the "FRE/CO Form" by the enrollment deadline, by opening a ticket through the Virtual Desk (https://sportellovirtuale.unipi.it ), complete with the following attachments:
1. self-certification of research activity carried out during the medical specialization school
2. resolution of the Council of the specialization school certifying the activities carried out during the specialization school in the medical area and the compatibility of the doctoral project with the educational aims of the school
3. valid identity documents.
Enrollment in the doctorate can be completed only after the positive outcome of the checks carried out by the bodies of the two study courses aimed at assessing the compatibility of the activities and commitments envisaged by the specialization school and the doctoral course, also considering the distance between locations.
The PhD grant is incompatible with the grants, however denominated, received by the PhD student in relation to the activities of the specialization course (art. 7, c. 1 of the d.m. n.226/2021).
It is not be possible to recognize joint attendance to PhD student with grant on PNRR funding (https://www.mur.gov.it/sites/default/files/2023-04/FAQ_39%20ciclo.pdf ).
Badge release
After receiving the University registration number, successful candidates can ask for the individual badge exclusively online at the link https://www.unipi.it/index.php/servizi-di-segreteria/item/1495-rilascio-tessera-magnetica-e-duplicato
Tuition fees and grants
(see https://www.unipi.it/index.php/tasse-e-diritto-allo-studio/itemlist/category/272-tasse )
The maximum contribution for PhD students is € 140,00 for the Regional tax. All PhD students are required to pay this tax except for convict students, students with at least a 66% disability or disabled students under art 3, paragraph 1 of the Law n.104, February 5, 1992.
Ranking list of successful and eligible candidates
Consultation of the ranking lists
First reassignment
After the waiver or decadence of admitted candidates, some PhD Programmes have made available some places with grant (pursuant to Article 5 of the call for application).
Only candidates who have confirmed their interest in the reassignment procedures according to the methods described above are admitted to the reassignment procedures.
Candidates admitted after the ranking scroll are required to enrol with grant by the mandatory deadline of September, 27th 2024 1:00 pm (Italy Time), according to the detailed above provisions already set with the ranking publication.
Candidates failing to enrol by the mandatory deadline will be considered as waiving and thus losing their right to admission.
First reassignment- List of eligible candidates
Second reassignment
After the waiver or decadence of admitted candidates, some PhD Programmes have made available some places with grant (pursuant to Article 5 of the call for application).
Only candidates who have confirmed their interest in the reassignment procedures according to the methods described above are admitted to the reassignment procedures.
Candidates admitted after the ranking scroll are required to enrol with grant by the mandatory deadline of October, 3th 2024 1:00 pm (Italy Time), according to the detailed above provisions already set with the ranking publication.
Candidates failing to enrol by the mandatory deadline will be considered as waiving and thus losing their right to admission.
Second reassignment- List of eligible candidates
Information about assistance with visas, the residency permit, health insurance coverage
In case the candidate admitted to the PhD program is a Non-EU citizen and needs a Visa type D for study reasons to enter Italy, before being able to enroll at the University of Pisa, the candidate will have to pre-register on the Universitaly ministerial portal by uploading, in addition to the required documents, also the letter of acceptance to the PhD programme received from the PhD office to be requested from the doctoral office via the Virtual Desk (https://sportellovirtuale.unipi.it).
Once the University of Pisa has evaluated and validated the pre-enrolment application on the Universitaly portal, the candidate can contact the competent Italian Embassy or Consulate, which he/she will have indicated on the Universitaly portal, to apply for the study visa.
For welcome and support: Welcome Office e https://www.unipi.it/index.php/welcome-and-support