Cognome: | Surname |
Nome: | Name |
Totale: | Overall |
Vincitore CON borsa: | Admitted WITH grant |
Vincitore CON contratto di alto apprendistato con: | Admitted with apprenticeship contract for higher education with |
Vincitore CON borsa riservata a candidati con formazione estera: | Admitted WITH grant reserved to students who have graduated from a foreign university |
In attesa di conseguire il titolo di studio: | pending the awarding of the required academic qualification |
Idoneo: | Eligible |
Analysis and Control of Structures and Infrastructural Works – Industrial PhD Programme
ANA01_C: Analysis and Control of Structures and Infrastructural Works – Industrial PhD Programme
BIO01_C: Biology: Research project in: “Exploring animal networks: an ethological approach”
BIO02_C: Biology: Research project in: “Resilience in evolution: Ciliophora and their holobiont as possible model system”
BIO03_C: Biology: Research project in: “Social behaviour, cognition, and welfare in equines”
BIO04_C: Biology: Research project in: “Rare neurodevelopmental diseases modeling in Zebrafish”
BIO05_C: Biology: Research project in: “Investigation and molecular characterisation of therapeutic phages for difficult-to-treat infections caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium abscessus resistant to antibiotics”
BIO06_C: Biology: Research project in: “Foraging strategies and performances in different cetacean species”
BIO07_C: Biology: Research project in: “Social wasps, ecosystem services and society: behavioural aspects”
BIO08_C: Biology: Research project in: “Innovative approaches for the collection, digitization, and management of primary biodiversity data”
BIO09_C: Biology: Research project in: “Multiple CRISPR/Cas-based approaches to investigate neurodevelopmental diseases in the zebrafish as a model organism”
BIO10_C: Biology: Research Project in: “Human and predator mediated intraguild competition in ungulates”
BIO11_C: Biology: Research Project in: “Identification and characterization of biomarkers in oncology and neuroscience”
Linguistic Studies and Foreign Literatures
Artificial intelligence (national phd)
DN01_C: Artificial intelligence (national phd)
DN02_C: Artificial intelligence (national phd): Research project in: “AI, Statistical Learning and Machine Learning methodologies for complex realtime data, under the co-supervision of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna and Fameccanica.Data S.p.A.”
DN03_C: Artificial intelligence (national phd): Single ranking on each subject explained in “Details”
DN04_C: Artificial intelligence (national phd): Single ranking on each subject explained in “Details”
Business Administration and Management
ECO01_C: Business Administration and Management
FILO01_C: Philosophy: Research project “Innovative methods and tools to support inclusive teaching in the university setting”
FILO02_C: Philosophy: Research project in: “Circulation of Italian Renaissance thought in modern Europe. The Machiavelli phenomenon”
FISICA01_C: Physics: Research project in: “High Performance Computing and Innovative Methods for Data Analysis and Acquisition in Science”
FISICA02_C: Physics: Research project in: “Amplification of broadband laser pulses in polycrystalline materials with diode pumping”
FISICA03_C: Physics: Research project in: “Study of the physics of polymers for welding applications of packaging materials”
FISICA04_C: Physics: Research project in: “Theoretical methods for detecting new physics signals”
FISICA05_C: Physics: Research project in: “New detectors of particles or radiation based on innovative materials”
FISICA06_C: Physics: Research project in: “Advanced super-resolution imaging platforms to reveal molecular processes behind mechanically associated diseases”
FISICA07_C: Physics: Research project in: “Broadband radiation detectors based on thermomechanical bolometers”
FISICA08_C: Physics: Research project in: “Thermal and fluid-dynamical modeling to inform statistical emulators of volcanic plumbing system dynamics”
Clinical Physiopathology
FISIO01_C: Clinical Physiopathology
Geoscience and Environment
GEO01_C: Geoscience and Environment
GEO02_C: Geoscience and Environment: Research project in: “Development of methodologies for the characterization of induced seismicity in geothermal environments”
GEO03_C: Geoscience and Environment: Research project in: “Development, characterization and application of modified zeolites for the removal of emerging contaminants from water”
Computer Science
INFO01_C: Computer Science
INFO02_C: Computer Science: Research project in: Artificial intelligence and machine learning for health”
INFO03_C: Computer Science: project in “Internet of Things and services for smart agrifood”
INFO04_C: Computer Science: project in “Smart Dynamic Support for Parallel and Distributed Computing in the Continuum”
INFO05_C: Computer Science: project in “High-Performance Energy Optimization for Renewable Energy Communities”
INFO06_C: Computer Science: project in “High-performance Public Transport Optimisation”
INFO07_C: Computer Science: project in “Large Language Models for Security Information and Event Management”
Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering
ING_ENE01_C: Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering- Ranking of only Candidates Educated Abroad
ING_ENE02_C: Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering: Research Project in: “Generative AI for engineering education: curricula design, new skills and teaching approaches”
ING_ENE_03_C: Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering: Research Project in: Production of biopolymers and biofuels from the residual flows of wastewater and biowaste treatment with a view to the bioeconomy and the reduction of environmental impacts”
ING_ENE04_C: Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering: Research Project in “Global power and energy system modeling for the energy transition”
ING_ENE05_C: Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering: Research Project in “Electromagnetic analysis and design for e-mobility”
Industrial Engineering
ING_IND01_C: Industrial Engineering: Ranking of only Candidates Educated Abroad
ING_IND02_C: Industrial Engineering: Research subject: “Development of advanced tools for real-time assessment of the safety-security scenarios in the frame of industrial facilities”
ING_IND03_C: Industrial Engineering: Research Project in: “Development of numerical tools for the assessment of loads and the estimation of durability of material handling vehicles”
ING_IND04_C: Industrial Engineering: Research Project in: “Hydrogen diffusion modeling in metallic materials employed in hydrogen value chain”
ING_IND05_C: Industrial Engineering: Research Project in: “Thermal-hydraulic research activity to support the design of a lead cooled Advanced Modular Reactor, aimed to promote the decarbonisation process”
ING_IND06_C: Industrial Engineering: Research Project in: “Development of plant-based materials for antimicrobial and circular packaging for plant products”
ING_IND07_C: Industrial Engineering: Research Project in: “Development of a green bipropellant thruster based on hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen”
Information Engineering
ING_INF01_C: Information Engineering: Ranking of each research project “Optimally designed haPtic systEms foR multi-Cue sEnsing and delIVery: foundatIons and techNoloGies”
ING_INF02_C: Information Engineering: Ranking of each subject listed in the section “Details
ING_INFO3_C: Information Engineering: Ranking of each subject listed in the section “Details
ING_INFO04_C: Information Engineering: Research Project in: “Robust Artificial Intelligence Approaches for Robotic Mission Planning and Execution”
ING_INFO05_C: Information Engineering: Research Project in: Multimodal Artificial Intelligence”
MATE01_C: Ranking of each subject listed in the section “Details”
Science of Drug and Bioactive Substances
SA_FARM01_C: Science of Drug and Bioactive Substances
Agriculture, Food and Environment
SC_AGR01_C: Agriculture, Food and Environment: Research Project in: “Use of chemical and physical elicitors and biostimulants to promote grape quality and viticulture sustainability”
SC_AGR02_C: Agriculture, Food and Environment: Research Project in: “Optimizing the processes involved in stabilizing spices and herbs to obtain products with prolonged shelf life, superior organoleptic quality, and valuable nutraceutical properties”
Classical Studies and Archaeology
SC_ANT01_C: Classical Studies and Archaeology
SC_ANT02_C: Classical Studies and Archaeology
Chemistry and Material Science
SC_CHIM01_C: Chemical and Material Science: Ranking of each subject listed in the section “Details”
Clinical and Translational Sciences
SC_CLI01_C: Clinical and Translational Sciences
Political Science
SC_POL01_C: Political Science: Ranking of each subject listed in the section “Details”
Veterinary Sciences
Smart Industry