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Cognome: Surname
Nome: Name
Totale: Overall
Vincitore CON borsa: Admitted WITH grant
Vincitore CON contratto di alto apprendistato con: Admitted with apprenticeship contract for higher education with
Vincitore CON borsa riservata a candidati con formazione estera: Admitted WITH grant reserved to students who have graduated from a foreign university
In attesa di conseguire il titolo di studio: pending the awarding of the required academic qualification
Idoneo: Eligible


BIO01_B: Biology: Research project in: “Microthermal mosaics maintained by habitat-forming species and effects on associated biodiversity”
BIO02_B: Biology: Research project in: “Molecular mechanisms regulating programmed cell death processes in Arabidopsis thaliana root development”
BIO03_B: Biology: Research project in: “Evaluating biodiversity stability and resilience in complex marine habitat networks using emerging sensing technologies”
BIO04_B: Biology: Research project in: “Spatial behaviour and swimming performances of Mediterranean Sea loggerhead turtles under different thermal conditions”
BIO05_B: Biology: Research project in: “Nested microbial interactions in seagrass ecosystems”

Linguistic Studies and Foreign Literatures

DISCI01_B: Linguistic Studies and Foreign Literatures


FILO01_B: Philosophy
FILO02_B: Philosophy: Research project in: “The meaning of disorder. Interpreting complexity based on theoretical and historical-philosophical approaches”


FISICA01_B: Physics: Research project in: “Multiscale modeling of neuromorphic devices and systems”

Geoscience and Environment

GEO01_B: Geoscience and Environment: Ranking of each subject
GEO02_B: Geoscience and Environment: Research project in: “Investigation of phreatic/hydrothermal explosive events as possible future eruptive scenarios at Campi Flegrei caldera”

Computer Science

INFO01_B: Computer Science
INFO02_B: Computer Science: Research project in “Human Control in Daily Environment Automations for Sustainability”
INFO03_B: Computer Science: project in “Decentralized Learning at the Edge”
INFO04_B: Computer Science: project in “Conversational Artificial Intelligence”

Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering

ING_ENE01_B: Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering

Industrial Engineering

ING_IND01_B: Industrial Engineering: Ranking of curriculum Aerospace Engineering
ING_IND02_B: Industrial Engineering: Ranking of curriculum Chemical Engineering and Materials
ING_IND03_B: Industrial Engineering: Ranking of curriculum Mechanical Engineering
ING_IND04_B: Industrial Engineering: Ranking of curriculum Nuclear Engineering and Industrial Safety
ING_IND05_B: Industrial Engineering: Ranking of curriculum Engineering of Vehicles and Transport Systems

Information Engineering

ING_INF01_B: Information Engineering: Ranking of each research project “Optimally designed haPtic systEms foR multi-Cue sEnsing and delIVery: foundatIons and techNoloGies”
ING_INF02_B: Information Engineering: Ranking of each research project “Network Intelligence for Time-aware 6G networks”

Artificial Intelligence

DN01_B: Artificial Intelligence


Science of Drug and Bioactive Substances

SA_FARM01_B: Science of Drug and Bioactive Substances

Agriculture, Food and Environment

SC_AGR01_B: Agriculture, Food and Environment
SC_AGR02_B: Agriculture, Food and Environment: Research project in: “Role of legume crops in agroecological cropping systems: meta-analytic approach and participatory research”
SC_AGR03_B: Agriculture, Food and Environment: Research project in: “Metagenomic study to identify the phylogenetic origin of the Xylella fastidiosa strain responsible for the Monte Argentario outbreak”

Chemistry and Material Science

SC_CHIM01_B: Chemistry and Material Science

Clinical and Translational Sciences

SC_CLI01_B: Clinical and Translational Sciences: Research project in: “Health determinants and behaviours shaping personal choices for prevention interventions uptake”

Veterinary Sciences

SC_VET01_B: Veterinary Sciences: Ranking of each subject
SC_VET02_B: Veterinary Sciences: Ranking of each subject
SC_VET03_B: Veterinary Sciences: Research project in “Anatomical and histological characterization of the autonomic innervation of pelvic organs for the selection of neuromodulation pathways in translational neuroengineering”
SC_VET04_B: Veterinary Sciences: “Use of imaging diagnostics in preclinical oncological, endocrinological, and cardiological research to implement the principle of the 3Rs in applied research"


STORIA01_B: History
STORIA02_B: History: Research project in: “The A sense in the disorder. Practising complexity”
STORIA03_B: History: “Alessandro Streghi and his chronicle. The BSL 1661 manuscript and Lucchese culture in the 15th century”

Italian Studies

STUDI01_B: Italian Studies