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List of application process (a.a. 2024/2025) CALL B


BIO01_B: Biology: Research project in: “Microthermal mosaics maintained by habitat-forming species and effects on associated biodiversity”
BIO02_B: Biology: Research project in: “Molecular mechanisms regulating programmed cell death processes in Arabidopsis thaliana root development”
BIO03_B: Biology: Research project in: “Evaluating biodiversity stability and resilience in complex marine habitat networks using emerging sensing technologies”
BIO04_B: Biology: Research project in: “Spatial behaviour and swimming performances of Mediterranean Sea loggerhead turtles under different thermal conditions”
BIO05_B: Biology: Research project in: “Nested microbial interactions in seagrass ecosystems”

Linguistic Studies and Foreign Literatures

DISCI01_B: Linguistic Studies and Foreign Literatures


FILO01_B: Philosophy

Rectoral Decree for a Grant Available in the Ranking Procedure of the Selection FILO01_B

FILO02_B: Philosophy: Research project in: “The meaning of disorder. Interpreting complexity based on theoretical and historical-philosophical approaches”


FISICA01_B: Physics: Research project in: “Multiscale modeling of neuromorphic devices and systems”

Geoscience and Environment

GEO01_B: Geoscience and Environment: Ranking of each subject
GEO02_B: Geoscience and Environment: Research project in: “Investigation of phreatic/hydrothermal explosive events as possible future eruptive scenarios at Campi Flegrei caldera”

Computer Science

INFO01_B: Computer Science
INFO02_B: Computer Science: Research project in “Human Control in Daily Environment Automations for Sustainability”
INFO03_B: Computer Science: project in “Decentralized Learning at the Edge”
INFO04_B: Computer Science: project in “Conversational Artificial Intelligence”

Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering

ING_ENE01_B: Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering

Industrial Engineering

ING_IND01_B: Industrial Engineering: Ranking of curriculum Aerospace Engineering
ING_IND02_B: Industrial Engineering: Ranking of curriculum Chemical Engineering and Materials
ING_IND03_B: Industrial Engineering: Ranking of curriculum Mechanical Engineering
ING_IND04_B: Industrial Engineering: Ranking of curriculum Nuclear Engineering and Industrial Safety
ING_IND05_B: Industrial Engineering: Ranking of curriculum Engineering of Vehicles and Transport Systems

Information Engineering

ING_INF01_B: Information Engineering: Ranking of each research project “Optimally designed haPtic systEms foR multi-Cue sEnsing and delIVery: foundatIons and techNoloGies”
ING_INF02_B: Information Engineering: Ranking of each research project “Network Intelligence for Time-aware 6G networks”

Artificial Intelligence

DN01_B: Artificial Intelligence

Integration of additional grants (rectoral decree published on the noticeboard on 3 June 2024)

Modification of form attached to the notice (rectoral decree of correction published on the Official Notice Board on June 13, 2024)

Grant Preference Form

Science of Drug and Bioactive Substances

SA_FARM01_B: Science of Drug and Bioactive Substances

Agriculture, Food and Environment

SC_AGR01_B: Agriculture, Food and Environment
SC_AGR02_B: Agriculture, Food and Environment: Research project in: “Role of legume crops in agroecological cropping systems: meta-analytic approach and participatory research”
SC_AGR03_B: Agriculture, Food and Environment: Research project in: “Metagenomic study to identify the phylogenetic origin of the Xylella fastidiosa strain responsible for the Monte Argentario outbreak”

Chemistry and Material Science

SC_CHIM01_B: Chemistry and Material Science

Clinical and Translational Sciences

SC_CLI01_B: Clinical and Translational Sciences: Research project in: “Health determinants and behaviours shaping personal choices for prevention interventions uptake”

Veterinary Sciences

SC_VET01_B: Veterinary Sciences: Ranking of each subject
SC_VET02_B: Veterinary Sciences: Ranking of each subject
SC_VET03_B: Veterinary Sciences: Research project in “Anatomical and histological characterization of the autonomic innervation of pelvic organs for the selection of neuromodulation pathways in translational neuroengineering”
SC_VET04_B: Veterinary Sciences: “Use of imaging diagnostics in preclinical oncological, endocrinological, and cardiological research to implement the principle of the 3Rs in applied research"


STORIA01_B: History
STORIA02_B: History: Research project in: “The A sense in the disorder. Practising complexity”
STORIA03_B: History: “Alessandro Streghi and his chronicle. The BSL 1661 manuscript and Lucchese culture in the 15th century”

Italian Studies

STUDI01_B: Italian Studies