- BIO01: Biology: “Genetic and genomic susceptibility of neoplastic disease”
- BIO02: Biology: “Neural stem cells to understand human brain disorder”
- BIO03: Biology: “Innovative viral vector for neural circuit manipulation”
- BIO04: Biology: “Innovative approaches to monitoring freshwater organism based on eDNA metabarcording
- BIO05: Biology: “Nanotransducers in gene therapy” reserved to students who have graduated from a foreign university
- BIO06: Biology: “Biosystematics and integrated taxonony of Santolina chamaecyparissus complex (Asteraceae)
- BIO07: Biology: “Distribution models of two Aaquilegia species endemic to the italian flora”
- BIO08: Biology: “Post-fire resilience and recolonization in biocenoses of Mediterranean hilly-mountainous habitats: the Monti Pisani as a case study”
Linguistic studies and foreign literatures
Business Administration and Management
- FILO01: Phylosophy
- FILO02: Phylosophy: “The timing of structures. The experience of temporality in one or more significant episodes of the history of philosophy”
- FILO03: Phylosophy reserved to students who have graduated from a foreign university
- FISICA01: Physics
- FISICA02: Physics: reserved to students who have graduated from a foreign university
- FISICA03: Physics EGO: “Experimental gravitational wave physics”
- FISICA04: Physics EGO: “Experimental gravitational wave physics” reserved to students who have graduated from a foreign university
Clinical physiopathology
Computer Science
Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction engineering
- ING_ENE01: Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction engineering
- ING_ENE02: Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction engineering reserved to students who have graduated from a foreign university
Information Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Science of drug and bioactive substances
Agriculture, Food and Environment
- SC_AGR01: Agriculture, Food and Environment
- SC_AGR02: Agriculture, Food and Environment: “Transition to mixed cropping systems: agri-environmental issues of introduction of agro-forestry in Mediterranean arable cropping systems”
- SC_AGR03: Agriculture, Food and Environment “Analysis of socio-economic change in agro-food systems and impact of policies”
Chemistry and materials sciences
- SC_CHIM01: Chemistry and materials sciences
- SC_CHIM02: Chemistry and materials sciences reserved to students who have graduated from a foreign university
- SC_CHIM03: Chemistry and materials sciences project: “Preparation of mechanochromic polymeric materials”
Clinical and translational sciences
Classical studies and archaeology
Legal Sciences
- SC_GIU01: Legal Sciences curriculum in “Theory of Fundamental Rights, Constitutional Justice, Comparative Law”
- SC_GIU02: Legal Sciences curriculum in “Administration, Market and Criminal Justice”
- SC_GIU03: Legal Sciences curriculum in “Private and comparative Law, Labour, Legal European Tradition”
- SC_GIU04: Legal Sciences curriculum in “Company Law, International and European Law, Rules of Procedure”
- SC_GIU05: Legal Sciences curriculum in “Company Law, International and European Law, Rules of Procedure” - reserved to students who have graduated from a foreign university
Political Sciences
- SC_POL01: Political Sciences: project: Geopolitics
- SC_POL02: Political Sciences: project: Sociology, History and Political culture
- SC_POL03: Political Sciences: “Migrations and roots tourism.”
- SC_POL04: Political Sciences: reserved to students who have graduated from a foreign university
Veterinary Sciences
- SC_VET01: Veterinary Sciences
- SC_VET02: Veterinary Sciences: reserved to students who have graduated from a foreign university
- SC_VET03: Veterinary Sciences: “Ecosystem services in multifunctional agriculture and social innovation in rural areas”
- SC_VET04: Veterinary Sciences: “Innovative agronomic and plant engeenering strategies for forage crops”
Smart Industry
- STORIA01: History
- STORIA02: History: “Times of structures. Resiliencies, accelerations and perceptions of change in the Euro-Mediterranean space”
- STORIA03: History reserved to students who have graduated from a foreign university
Italian Studies