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1st PhD Workshop on Law, Society and Artificial Intelligence


This workshop to foster collaboration among PhD candidates and research fellows enabling them to share their research, exchange ideas, and connect with peers from diverse backgrounds for potential interdisciplinary projects.

Join us in Pisa, on December 2nd, 2024, to delve into the societal implications of AI design and deployment. Learn from esteemed experts in ethics, technical innovation, and legal frameworks:

Prof. Dino Pedreschi - University of Pisa
Prof. Bart Verheij - University of Groningen
Prof. James Brusseau - Pace University NY, University of Trento
Prof. Giuseppe Contissa - University of Bologna, European University Institute

We invite you to submit abstracts on:

- Human-computer interaction and ethics
- Accountability in AI decision-making
- Liability for AI systems
- Transparent and explainable AI
- Governance frameworks for AI
- AI in democracy and legislative action

Key Dates:

- Abstract Submission: September 30th, 2024
- Author Notification: October 31st, 2024

You can find more information on the Call for Abstracts at the following link
The i-lex – Journal of Law, Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence ( welcomes the submission of papers developed from the abstracts shared, discussed and presented at the Doctoral Workshop.
Don't miss this opportunity to engage with groundbreaking research and innovative discussions in the AI field.
Let’s shape the future of AI together!


§ Organizing Committee

* Vincenzo Calderonio, University of Pisa, Department of Computer Science, Pisa, Italy; IGSG - CNR, Florence, Italy;
* Vittoria Caponecchia, University of Pisa, Department of Computer Science, Pisa, Italy; Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, LIDER-Lab, DIRPOLIS, Pisa, Italy
* Irina Carnat, University of Pisa, Department of Computer Science, Pisa, Italy; Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, LIDER-Lab, DIRPOLIS, Pisa, Italy
* Andrea Failla, University of Pisa, Department of Computer Science, Pisa, Italy; Institute of Sciences and Information Technologies “A. Faedo” (ISTI), National Research Council (CNR)
* Federico Mazzoni, University of Pisa, Department of Computer Science, Pisa, Italy; Institute of Sciences and Information Technologies “A. Faedo” (ISTI), National Research Council (CNR)
* Monique Munarini, University of Pisa, Department of Computer Science, Pisa, Italy;
* Marco Sanchi, University of Pisa, Department of Computer Science, Pisa, Italy; University of Bologna, CIRSFID - Alma AI Research Center, Bologna, Italy.

§ Discussant
* Marco Billi, University of Bologna, CIRSFID-Alma AI, Bologna, Italy;
* Marianna Molinari, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy;