Third-year PhD students - Final exam application
This page contains all the information requested to present the final exam PhD application.
Instructions for the online application.
The Final Exam Application is exclusively online, connecting to "Alice - the web portal for students" ( During the online procedure, please check personal contact details and update them if necessary.
Enter the "restricted area" using personal login and password, click on “Conseguimento titolo" and insert the requested data:
- The title of the dissertation and the supervisor’s full name;
- A mobile number and an email address for urgent notifications;
- The scientific-framework (SSD);
- For any information, the candidate may communicate with the secretarial office by using the “notes” section.
When to submit the application
The application must be submitted by the end of the his/her third year (usually 31 October, unless postponed in the case of recovery of periods of suspension and / or extensions ex art. 8, c. 7, DM n. 226/2021).
After the deadline for the aforementioned online procedure, and in any case by the date of the final exam, the application may be submitted - in paper form with (using the template available at the bottom of the page) stamp duty - by opening a ticket through the Virtual Desk ( Also in this case, however the online questionnaire is mandatory.
What to do in addition to the online application
- The PhD candidate shall present the dissertation to the PhD Programme council by the end of the third year, according to the procedures provided by the Doctoral Programme. The PhD Programme council will assess the work and will decide whether to forward the dissertation to the assessors or to postpone the assessment, granting additional time (up to a maximum six months), in compliance with article 19, paragraph 3, of the University Regulations on Research Doctorates.
- After the application, the PhD candidate is required to complete the survey “Rilevazione sui dottori di ricerca. Valutazione dell'esperienza di studio e di ricerca e prospettive future (PhD Candidates Survey. Evaluation of the study and research experience and future perspectives)" and forward* the survey receipt to the “Admissions and PhD careers” Unit Unità "Concorsi e carriere dottorandi". This fulfillment is a mandatory for defending the thesis. The aim of the questionnaire is to monitor the degree of satisfaction concerning the doctoral studies of the PhD students. The provided and strictly anonymous data will only be used only for statistical purposes within the university. To complete the survey, please connect to the AlmaLaurea, during online procedure, using the Alice credentials. For any support, email to
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* To submit the receipt please follow the instructions below:
i. connect to Alice web portal (
ii. select from the menu on the right "Secretariat", “Career” and " Career Attachments"
iii. upload the "Receipt". - PhD candidates are kindly requested to keep in ongoing contact with the Coordinator or the supervisor of the PhD Programme to be informed about the results of the assessors, the dissertation defence session as well as the modalities and timelines, to supply in time to the Final Exam Board the dissertation uploaded in electronic format on ETD.
University Fees
The final exam application procedure is subject to the regular fees contribution for the whole PhD programme duration.
Please, note that, given article 19, paragraph 11 of the University Regulations on Research Doctorates: The doctoral candidate shall be declared revoked, with the provision of the PhD programme Council, when, without showing any justification, does not provide the dissertation within the abovementioned time limit. The doctoral candidate shall also be declared revoked when does not sit, without showing any justification, the final examination on the scheduled date for the discussion. |