In case of authorized stay abroad, PhD grant is increased of 50%, related to the days effectively spent at the foreign institution.
It is considered stay abroad even a non-continuous period, but the periods that compose it must be long at least 15 days; the maximum increase that can be obtained is 12 months (18 months in case of joint PhD, according to article 3, paragraph 2, of PhD University regulation, or in case of cotutelle agreements).
What to do before leaving
PhD students* that want to stay abroad must ask for the authorization to the PhD course Counsil, regardless of the duration of the stay. With the authorization, the PhD student is covered by University insurance even abroad. The resolution of the Counsil of authorization must contain:
- foreign host institution;
- date of beginning and date of end of the stay abroad;
- schedules activities.
*PhD students can ask for the authorizazion if they receive PhD grant or, if not perceiving grant, only if enrolled after academic year 2022/2023.
After getting the authorizazion, PhD students must open a ticket on the Virtual Desk to send the President’s authorization or, in case of resolution of the Counsil, the Authorizazion form (in pdf format), related to the PhD grant increase request.
What to do once back in Italy
When back in Italy, PhD students must open a ticket on the Virtual Desk in order to send the following documents (in a merged pdf file):
- MAG form for the PhD grant increase request;
- a certification, released on letterhead, filled and signed by the Head of the foreign institution, with precise indication of period of stay abroad (date of beginning and date of end) and of the PhD activities accomplished. In case of objective impossibility to produce this document, PhD students must present a declaration from their supervisor, indicating the period of stay abroad at the foreign institution.
Payment of PhD grant increase
PhD grant increase will be paid on 30th day of each month (along with the monthly grant payment) only if the documents indicated above are transmitted within 15th day of the month; if the documents are transmitted after this date, the payment will be made on 30th day of the followinf month. In August and December, documents must be transmitted on 1st day of the month.
In case of long stay abroad, it is possible to receive intermediate payments related to periods already spent abroad (at least 30 days long), by sending, for each intermediate period, a specific MAG form with the certification described at point 2) above, related to the already spent period only.
In case of PhD grant financed by an external institution, in order to pay the PhD grant increase it is necessary that the funding institution has already paid to University of Pisa the sums due for stays abroad.
Important: for the refund of mission expenses, please refer to University regulation for off-site missions, that can be found at the following website: ). For the refund authorization and request, please contact the Department – administrative headquarters of PhD programme.