The University of Pisa has approved the awarding of the "European Doctorate" Label, to promote and facilitate the international cooperation of the PhD Programmes.
The certification of Doctor Europæeus will be issued by the University of Pisa if the following conditions are fulfilled:
1.the defence of the dissertation takes place only upon the presentation of two positive reviews (controrelazioni) by two professors from two non-Italian universities of two different EU countries other than the country where the PhD is defended or where the PhD programme is based;
2. at least one member of the Examination Committee should be part of an institution of a EU country other than the one in which the PhD thesis is defended or where the PHD programmes based;
3. a part of the thesis’ discussion should be in one of the EU official languages, different from that of the country in which the PhD thesis is defended or where the PhD programme is based;
4. a part of the research presented in the thesis should have been developed during a stay of at least three months in an EU country different from that of the PhD student.
The certification will be recorded in the statement of the activities carried out during the doctorate programme, in compliance with the University regulations for the doctoral programmes , article 19, paragraph 10, and will be issued by the "PhD Unit" after the degree .