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Italian studies


Giorgio Masi
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Administrative Office

Department of Filologia, letteratura e linguistica


Overview and objectives of the PhD course

The research topics of competence include Italian literary, philological and historical-linguistic studies, as well as medieval and humanistic literary and philological studies, also considered in a comparative perspective, as envisaged by the ministerial declarations of the scientific-disciplinary sectors involved in the doctorate. In the literary field, the areas of research extend from the origins of Italian literature up to contemporary times, to the relevant authors and to works in other languages produced in the same historical-geographical context, with reference to the various forms and genres, to research methodologies, to the history of the discipline and to the techniques for transmitting knowledge relating to the sector.
In the linguistic field, the doctorate covers the field of studies on the Italian language and dialects spoken in Italy, with reference to their history, phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexicological structures, in a diachronic and synchronic sense.
In the philological sphere, it includes studies on Italian and humanistic philology, on the formal, material and historical-literary aspects of texts written in the languages of Western European culture (in addition to vernaculars, Latin and Greek), produced in Italy or relevant to Italian culture. The sector of literary criticism and comparative literatures includes the studies of literary criticism and comparative literatures, which address at a theoretical and hermeneutic level the general problem of literature, genres, production, dissemination and evaluation of texts, the comparison between texts belonging to different literatures and cultures, also with a view to their literary rendering in a language other than the one in which they were produced.
The aim of the Dottorato in Studi italianistici is to organise, promote and coordinate doctoral training aimed at the acquisition of the skills necessary to carry out, at universities and public or private bodies, highly qualified research activities relating to the Italianistic disciplines (literary philology and historical-linguistics, medieval and humanistic literature and philology, comparative literature and philology) belonging to the competition group 10/F (and, as far as medieval and humanistic literature and philology is concerned, to the competition group 10/E1) and to the scientific area of Ancient, philological-literary and historical-artistic Sciences (area 10). The Doctorate ensures the quality of the training, the training method and the evaluation of the results.
The Dottorato in Studi italianistici is also interested in training in the field of Digital Humanities (digital editions, corpora creation and management) and in the didactics of literature and language (including the didactics of Italian as L2).


Regolamento interno del corso di dottorato (only in Italian) 

