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Business Administration and Management


Giulio Greco
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Administrative Office

Department of Economia e Management


Overview and objectives of the PhD course

The PHD in Business Economics and Management aims at providing students with a solid methodological basis combined with high knowledge, skills in economic and business disciplines. The fundamental objective is to develop in the doctoral students a critical spirit and aptitude for scientific research with a coordinated and integrated contribution of teaching, research and experimentation activities, both group and individual, from continuous attention to the balanced relationship between theory and practice and from a constant orientation towards internationalization.
The Phd creates an excellent training offer in the national field and with a strong international connotation that is suitable to represent for the doctoral students an opportunity for cultural and professional growth suitable both for entering the world of research in the economic-corporate field and in the market. of work at a level consistent with the training investment made. The Phd intends to support employment, enhancing the excellence of the university system, with particular reference to internationalization processes and new models of managerial, organizational and administrative innovation in the areas of Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Auditing, Management Control, Marketing, Management , International Business, Organization, Strategy, Corporate Governance, Entrepreneruship and Innovation, Public Administration, Public Accounting, Healthcare Management. The scientific disciplinary sectors concerned are: SECS-P / 07, SECS-P / 08, SECS-P / 10, SECS-P / 13.
The PhD course is jointly organized by the universities of Pisa, as administrative headquarters, Florence and Siena.
The PhD program is featured by an international vocation aimed at encouraging the participation of Italian and foreign students, in the belief that cultural diversity can contribute to enrich the individual and professional growth path of each participant.
The course has the fundamental objective of providing students with the development of critical thinking and research skills, necessary for the training of an independent researcher, at a level corresponding to the best practices and international standards of research. Specifically, the objectives are:
- master a specific set of methods appropriate to the development of the Phd thesis, with the necessary depth to produce a methodologically rigorous research;
- develop substantial knowledge in the field of business economics and management;
- learn how to design and conduct original research in the field of business economics and management;
- acquire and demonstrate the ability to communicate the results of their research in a clear and effective way;
- acquire and demonstrate the ability to hold university-level courses in the field of business economics and management;
- acquire and demonstrate the ability to work effectively with other researchers and scholars with different scientific backgrounds and specializations in the field of business economics and management;
- acquire and demonstrate understanding for ethics standards in business research, teaching and service.


Regolamento interno del corso di dottorato (only in Italian)

Prove di ammissione a.a. 2020-21 - Deroga Emergenza Covid (only in Italian)

Prove di ammissione a.a. 2021-22 - Deroga Emergenza Covid (only in Italian)

