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Political Sciences


Prof. Andrea Salvini
e-mail: andrea.salvini@unipi.itThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Administrative Office

Department of Scienze politiche


Overview and objectives of the PhD course

1. The PhD course aims to provide the theoretical and methodological tools useful for research in the field of political and social disciplines; to stimulate adequate critical skills; to ensure a high level of scientific specialization in each thematic area of its competence;
2. It also aims to provide a scientific and educational environment valorising a disciplinary interaction through the strengthening of the exchanges among the different scientific sectors: whether they are thematic, methodological or practical; and, where possible, promote the integration of scientific research lines on topics of common interest;
3. and additionally it aims to promote an educational training attitude that solicits, besides the disciplinary specialization, both an extension of the thematic horizons and applicative skills of the acquired knowledge.


Regolamento interno del corso di dottorato (only in Italian)

Prove di ammissione a.a. 2021-22 - Deroga Emergenza Covid (only in Italian)

