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Legal Sciences


Pierluigi Consorti
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Administrative Office

Department of Giurisprudenza


Overview and objectives of the PhD course

The doctoral studies aim at developing the students’ aptitude for research in the covered fields of law, by offering lectures and seminars as well as encouraging both individual research and discussions with professors belonging to the doctoral board. Students are free to specialize in one of the mentioned field of law. A key role in the offered doctoral education is played by the interdisciplinary method, the internationalization and the comparative analysis. Therefore, there will be lectures on contemporary, general topics of common interest among the different fields of law, according to the interdisciplinary approach. The division in different curricula (Private Law, Labour, Legal European Tradition; Theory of fundamental rights, Constitutional Justice, Comparative Law; Company Law, International Law, Rules of Procedure; Administration, Market and Criminal Justice) aims at integrating, developing and completing the common lectures, by developing specialized knowledge based on the specific skills of the academics involved and their long-term experience in doctoral education.



  1. Private Law and comparative Law, Labour, Legal European Tradition
  2. Theory of fundamental rights, Constitutional Justice, Comparative Law
  3. Company Law, International and European Law, Rules of Procedure
  4. Administration, Market and Criminal Justice


Regolamento interno del corso di dottorato (only in Italian)

Prove di ammissione a.a. 2020-21 - Deroga Emergenza Covid (only in Italian)

Prove di ammissione a.a. 2021-22 - Deroga Emergenza Covid (only in Italian)

