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Information Engineering


Fulvio Gini
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Administrative Office

Department of Ingegneria dell'informazione


Overview and objectives of the PhD course

The Doctorate in Information Engineering was born as an expression of a large department of the University of Pisa that operates in the field of Information Technologies (ICT), Robotics and Bioengineering, the Department of Information Engineering (DII). The aim was to create a learning path in intrinsically interdisciplinary research in the field of ICT, Robotics and Bioengineering. Leveraging on the many cooperations of this structure, the Doctorate in Information Engineering offers not only the usual third-level training opportunities deriving from pure "curiosity-driven" research supported by University grants, but also and above all further opportunities, aimed at specific research from the many grants of external industrial and non-industrial bodies (large companies, high-tech SMEs, public and private research bodies, foundations) and / or from European and national projects of the Department itself. With this dual nature, the doctorate adds a more applicative and international dimension to the usual academic methods and opportunities of doctorates less projected towards the external research environment. To complete the training of doctoral students, the PhD Board organizes about 20 courses each year, each lasting 16-20 hours, held both by members of the College and by external experts from research centers or universities, both Italian and foreign. At the end of each course, there is always a final check by the teacher. The student who passes the test is awarded 1 training credit (CFU) for every 4 hours of frontal lessons and must reach the minimum threshold of 35 training credits within the first two years. The student must follow at least 4 courses of 4 credits among those organized by the College and then must integrate the missing credits by following the transversal didactic courses (soft-skills) organized by the University of Pisa ( or by following doctoral courses organized by other doctorates or by participating in international PhD Schools. The Doctorate in Information Engineering has an internal regulation available on the doctoral website ( which also regulates training activities. The list of courses available each year and the course programs is available on the PhD website (

The main objective of the PhD Program is the training of research professionals in the following areas, listed in alphabetical order: Analog and RF circuit design; Assistive technologies and Rehabilitation; Automation; Communications; Digital circuits and systems; Distributed and Embedded Systems, and Pervasive Computing; Electromagnetics; Guidance and Navigation; Information Systems; Intelligent Systems; Medical Imaging; Micro/Nanosystems and Nanoelectronics; Nanotechnologies; Networking; Radar Systems; Remote Sensing; Robotics; Sensors, Biosensors, and Intelligent Materials; Signal and Image processing; Vehicular and power electronics. These areas are mainly, but not exclusively, those concerning the cultural, scientific and technological frameworks of the acquisition, processing, transmission, storage and use of information. The need for this training stems from the continuous increase in requests for experts in the information technology disciplines (both in the traditional and more modern sectors linked to robotics and biotechnologies), as well as from the great development of research and advanced technology applications. Particular attention is paid to the interdisciplinary aspect: by its very nature, the Department of Information Engineering guarantees the skills, structures and opportunities necessary for a multi- and inter-disciplinary approach to research. 

Regolamento interno del corso di dottorato (only in Italian)

