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Application procedure for PhD Position within Collaborative Doctoral Partnership Agreement

Application procedure for PhD Position within Collaborative Doctoral Partnership Agreement n. 36135 between UNIPI and JRC

Closing date of applications: September 20th, 2024 h 13:00 (Italy Time)


How to apply

Please carefully read the call for application before starting the procedure (see the PDF annexed at the bottom of the page).

The application procedure requires following steps:

  1. Register your personal data on . Please note that if you have previously registered on Unipi website, you should skip directly to the next step;
  2. Submit your online application on by entering the data requested during the online procedure.
    The following documents should be uploaded:

     - the self-certification of degree diploma (Annex 1), signed CV, Copy of your passport or identity card and the following documents: 

    a) Scientific publications,
    b) a list of the exams taken during the university career and the respective grades and the final grades of the bachelor's and master's degrees,
    c) any certificates of participation in conferences,
    d) any scholarships or research grants obtained 

    •your qualification with the relevant documents referred to in Article 8 of the call (only for candidates with a foreign qualification)
    •other relevant documentations.

  3. Non-compliance with the aforementioned documents uploading will not give rise to exclusion.
    During the online application, the referees and their contact details (email address and phone number) should be specified (only if required by the call annexed at the bottom of the page)
  4. fee payment of Euro 30,00 by September 20th, 2024 h 23:59 (Italy Time) on Pago PA system which is accessible at the end of the online procedure. If a PhD Programme has more than one call, only one fee is due and will be valid for all the calls the same PhD programme. If the application fee payment has been made but not completed yet within the deadline, the candidate will be tentatively admitted pending payment verification. If the payment of the fee is made but is not registered, the candidate will be tentatively admitted pending payment verification. The competition fee cannot be refunded except in the case in which the competition tests cannot be carried out for the reasons indicated
  5. Print out the final receipt and keep it as proof of your correct online registration. The receipt will confirm that you have registered for the competition and will also give you your “numero di prematricola” o 'pre-registration number', which is essential for accessing your anonymous CV evaluation and oral test results on submission final receipt should be printed and kept to certify the correct online registration to be kept as this, in addition to constituting proof of registration in the competition, also reports a  which will be essential to view the evaluation anonymously of the curriculum and the results of the oral test on the web page

For assistance
Virtual desk (in Italian only)

Please note
The Acrobat Reader program is recommended to open the PDF format files (free download available).



Call for application

Modification of call application (rectoral decree published on 24 July 2024 on Pisa University's official website)

Attachment 1 - Self-certification of degree diploma - available in rtf format and pdf format

Practical guide to filling in the application form

Test schedules - available in xls format and pdf format

Information under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament (GDPR)