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Prof. Andrea Addobbati
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Administrative Office

Department of Civiltà e Forme del Sapere


Overview and objectives of the PhD course

The main training activity consists in carrying out, under the guidance of supervisors, entirely original research, an experience that enables the doctoral student to acquire the methodological and critical skills necessary to deal with historical sources and to take an active part in the national and international historiographical debate. In line with this project, aimed at training high-level researchers, the PhD Programme does not provide frontal teaching activities on a university model, but lectures held by Italian and foreign scholars in the framework of 5 seminars, from which PhD students can choose autonomously, on the basis of their specific interests and broader scientific curiosities, for a total of 60 hours per year. During these lectures, Phd students have the opportunity to actively discuss with experienced scholars that are a point of reference in their field of research. In line with the international character of the doctorate, experiences abroad and co-supervised theses are strongly encouraged.
At a time when historical research in Italy is undergoing a phase of moderate expansion, with a significant renewal and broadening of topics, increasingly focusing on dimensions such as mentality and collective gender and social identities, the Phd Programme aims at training highly qualified researchers in the field of history in its broadest dimension, both chronological (from the East and Ancient Egypt and the Greek-Roman world to the present day) and geographical. The writing of the dissertation must first and foremost demonstrate the Phd student’s suitability to enter the world of research or of highly qualified intellectual work. But the training offered, which is specifically aimed at developing the ability to analyse and understand economic, social, political and cultural phenomena, provides privileged tools for interpreting reality that can be profitably employed in various professional spheres, from teaching at every level, to journalism in its various forms, to every sector of culture and the cultural industry.


Regolamento interno del corso di dottorato (only in Italian)

Prove di ammissione a.a. 2020-21 - Deroga Emergenza Covid (only in Italian)

Prove di ammissione a.a. 2021-22 - Deroga Emergenza Covid (only in Italian)
